Gidley's Gossipings

A blog about not much really

Growing Trend of Broadcast to OTT Delivery: Insights from iPlayer

2024-09-10 Tech Ben Gidley
IBC is just around the corner, which means it’s time for my annual exercise in asking the BBC how the transition from broadcast to OTT delivery is going. This is something I’ve been doing since 2019 as I was curious to see how it progresses and given the BBC ‘unique’ model of funding it’s a good indicator of how consumers want services to behave ( once you take away paying for it). Continue reading

iPlayer Trends

2022-08-31 Tech
For several years I’ve been tracking the usage of iPlayer as I think it’s a great ‘bellwether’ for consumer behaviour in the TV industry. iPlayer is a unique proposition that has (nearly) ubiquitous device coverage, premium content consumers want to watch and is free (at point of usage). This lets consumers behave as they would naturally do, if you remove commercial pressure like bundling and content rights being split between services. Continue reading

Google Cloud Migration Part3

2022-05-10 Tech
Continuing from Part 1 I had a change of heart… I decided I really wanted my wild-card mail boxes (it’s a great way to manage spam) and I also noticed Cloudflare had launched their inbound mail relay service. The new plan is Inbound mail goes to Cloudflare who redirect it to whoever it’s for gmail account The gmail accounts are set up with an alias and a SMTP server (AWS SES) for gidley. Continue reading

Google Cloud Migration Part2

2022-01-22 Tech
Continuing from Part 1 the next task is to migrate email archives from Google Workspace email to the destination. I decided to Use iCloud as the new primary domain Use as a backup for my old archive I split it like this as I have email going back a long time and frankly searching them is becomming a hassle. Migrating a Mailbox Migrating the mailbox is pretty straight forward - I decided to use imapsync running on a ‘free’ Google cloud instance. Continue reading

Google Cloud Migration

2022-01-20 Tech
I’ve been a user of Google Workspace for ‘’ email for me and my family pretty much since it launched. At launch it was ‘free’ for small users and over the decade I’ve been using it they have slowly moved it over to a paid service putting us ’legacy’ users on a special (still free) plan. Google have finally decided it’s time to stop us freeloaders… so it’s time to migrate. Continue reading

Microsoft Teams Virtual Backgrounds

2020-04-14 Tech
I was excited to see Microsoft Teams have now enabled virtual backgrounds - but they’ve missed a key feature. How to set your own images. A quick fix is upload files to Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Backgrounds/Uploads And presto you can use them in teams

Isolation - what changes are likely to stick?

2020-03-24 Tech
We’re now entering week 2 of the UK’s recommended social isolation and people are adjusting to being at home. It’s early days yet - but I think it’s going to accelerate some longer term changes in our lifestyles. The first two that struck me were working from home and shopping! Driving / Commuting Many people have never worked at home for an extended period - after 3-6 months of doing it (based on at least 12 weeks as cited by Borris! Continue reading
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